How to discipline yourself?
There are plenty of ways to discipline yourself to achieve your goals in life. You can try to make new habits and part with the previous ones. You can set your alarm to wake you up every morning one hour earlier to focus on something that makes you happy or different than who you are currently. In a nutshell, there are many ways to train yourself to become the one you want to. However, to change your present self to the dreamed self, you need to live within a set of rules that make you that person. I am not an expert on every method. I only know one of them. And that is the meditation. By meditation, you can mentally set yourself for what you want to be. It is not difficult to learn but it requires --like other principles-- commitment and dedication. With this old tradition, the first thing I ask you is to think positive and break your relation with negativity. I am not going to prove to you that positive thinking is everything. But I can tell you that there is a whopping literature on the power of thinking positively and perceiving yourself as the one you want to be. Because, unless you think of yourself that way, nothing can change you. It is only possible to change you with changing your perception of yourself.
To begin with, I will talk about how to meditate and when is the best time. It is not some secret practice that only a few people know the depth. It is like a self-talk that you may have occasionally with yourself while you’re walking or driving. Yet, there is a difference between them. A self-talk is not an intentional activity that you would do for a purpose. It randomly hits you and you start talking and there is no proper ending. With meditation, you have a purpose. You have a proper beginning and an ending to yield a result. That being said, I want you to get ready for a short meditation. There is no specific requirement. You do not need a specific costume, setting or whatsoever. The only thing you need is to be free of any thought for a few minutes and no one should interrupt you. That is that simple. I should tell you that you have seen people sitting cross-crossed and in an elevated posture. Eyes closed and usually their pointing fingers bent on their thumbs. That is for the purpose of concentration. It is optional. If you have knee problem, I can suggest you that sit on a relaxed chair and put your hands on your laps. Close your eyes and get ready what I will say to you.
Good initiative buddy!